Protect Our Rights. Expand Our Opportunities.

A Champion for Women and Advocate for our Families
Keeping Equality a Priority
As a Mother, political activist and head of a national non-profit organization, Karen has dedicated much of her life as a volunteer, child advocate and leader in the fight for issues important to women and families.
We've made great strides over the years to expand and protect Women's rights and equality. However, from the glass ceiling to the sticky floor of poverty there are still many issues that must still be address in order to ensure the equality and opportunity that all women deserve. We must strengthen equal pay laws, improve financial security in retirement, increase support for women-owned businesses and stand firm on a woman's health and her right to make the most personal of life decisions.
American women earn only 77 cents for every dollar men earn -- and women of color earn even less. Despite legislation such as the Equal Pay Act passed more than 40 years ago, along with numerous others prohibiting employment discrimination, these economic disparities still exist. Karen will work to end pay disparities between men and women, strengthen the penalties associated with wage discrimination and increase support and access to capital for women-owned businesses.
Gender disparities also exist in the current Social Security system which unfairly penalizes women, who generally receive lower benefits than men. Karen will work in Congress to see that women are treated more equitably in retirement and will vigorously fight any effort to privatize Social Security and Medicare.
Women's health decisions are best left to women and their doctors -- without interference from politicians. We should do everything possible to protect a woman's right to choose and work to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in Delaware and the U.S., through efforts such as increased availability of Plan B and access to family planning services. Each woman deserves the right to make the most personal of life decisions and Karen will stand firm as an advocate for a woman's right to choose.
The problem of domestic violence and sexual abuse still does not get the attention it needs and is a continuing problem. In Congress, Karen will work to reform our court systems and raise awareness of this critical issue that is plaguing our communities. She will support legislation such as the reauthorization of The Violence Against Women Act, work to increase prevention strategies and broaden assistance offered to children and teenagers who are victims of violence and abuse. Karen has dedicated much of her life as a volunteer, child advocate and leader in the fight to end domestic violence and sexual abuse and improve awareness in our communities and action in our court systems.