End Corruption. Rebuild the Public Trust.

Open and Accountable Government
Keeping Congress Honest
The American public has grown tired of the Republican culture of corruption that is running rampant throughout Washington and as a result has grown weary of the political process as a whole. In Congress, Karen Hartley-Nagle will work to restore faith in the hearts and minds of Delaware and our country, by putting an end to the scandals, cronyism, mismanagement, and out of control spending that is plaguing Washington. The good people of Delaware deserve leadership they can trust and be proud to call their own.
In order to be truly committed to real ethics reform and meaningful campaign finance reform, we must take the necessary steps to reverse the ethical failures of Congress and restore the public trust. It is essential that we clean up the way Congress does business by putting an end to the unethical practices of lawmakers and lobbyists, and establish clear standards that prevent the trading of official governmental business for gifts.
The key to fundamental reform is ethics training, disclosure and accountability. Karen Hartley-Nagle understands that Congress is elected to represent the people, not the powerful. The American people need leaders who represent their voices rather than simply being a "rubber-stamp" for the administration. She will stand up for real reform and fight against the "business as usual" mentality of corruption to restore honesty and openness on Capitol Hill.