Set Clear Priorities. Strengthen Our Economy.

Economic Prosperity and Jobs
Keeping Communities Strong
Congress has a responsibility to be as careful with taxpayer money as any of us would be with our own. Because of runaway spending and fiscal irresponsibility, America is now facing the largest deficit in our nation's history. By setting clear priorities and adhering to strict fiscal discipline, we can achieve a balanced budget and pay down the national debt so we can meet our current obligations and limit the burden placed on future generations.
In Congress, Karen Hartley-Nagle will work to ensure that your hard-earned tax money is not wasted away, but rather put to work for you. She'll stand up for Delaware families by fighting for better wages and job security, putting an end to tax giveaways to the rich and companies who move good jobs overseas.
We must always be looking for ways to build and strengthen our economy. It is essential that we upgrade and modernize our infrastructure, outdated water systems and railways in Delaware. Karen Hartley-Nagle will make it a top priority to put Delaware at the forefront of technological innovation in order to keep us competitive in today's global economy. By encouraging small business, innovation and productivity that promotes long-term economic growth we create better, higher-paying jobs for Delaware workers.