Reduce Dependency. Protect the Environment.

Environment and Energy
Keeping Delaware Clean and Green
Taking the necessary steps in pursuit of alternative energy solutions, such as wind energy, that create energy independence not only allows America to reduce our dependency on foreign oil but also protects both our environment and economy by creating new jobs for American workers and decreasing the financial burden on Delaware families.
Renewable energy sources � like wind farms and solar energy � are more efficient than traditional energy sources and Karen Hartley-Nagle understands that we need to embrace the use of these types of energy. By implementing use of alternative energy sources, such as harnessing the energy of the wind, through out our state and country we can reduce our dependency on oil and ensure that our environment and natural resources are protected for future generations.
Karen Hartley-Nagle believes it is our responsibility to protect our natural resources, including our estuaries, oceans, forests and other extraordinary treasures. In Congress, she will work with the rest of Delaware's delegation to promote legislation strengthening the laws that ensure we have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink.
The health of our families and our economy depend on our environment. In Delaware, a strong and healthy environment grows a strong and healthy economy. Many of our industries such as farming, fishing, and tourism depend on a healthy environment for success. New technology that protects our environment and allows it to flourish also creates a stronger economy with more higher-wage jobs for Delaware.
A well thought out, common-sense approach to America's environmental and energy policy will start us on the path to a stronger economy, a cleaner future and healthier communities.