Increase Access. Reduce the Burden.

Affordable and Quality Health Care
Keeping Families Healthy
We need a health care system that makes sense and puts the wellbeing of patients first by putting them in control. In the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth, no one should have to make the choice between protecting their health, taking their child to a doctor, paying the rent, and putting food on the table. This is simply unacceptable. It is a moral outrage that 50 million Americans lack health insurance and many more are underinsured. Quality health care coverage should be available, reliable and affordable for everyone.
The burden of skyrocketing health care costs affects us in many ways. Many businesses, especially small businesses, are increasingly unable to pay the high health care premiums. They are forced to put more of the burden of health insurance onto the backs of their employees, increase the costs of their products, or outsource jobs to other countries. Providing tax credits for self-employed business owners and small businesses will allow them to stay competitive by reducing costs, easing the financial burden of health care for both employer and employees.
In Congress, Karen Hartley-Nagle will work to ensure that all Americans have access to the affordable, quality health care they deserve. She will work to lower the cost of prescription drugs, invest in medical research that offers real hope for cures and treatment for millions of Americans, and ensure that our seniors have access to simple and secure health care by fixing Medicare prescription drug benefits.