Delaware AFL-CIO Endorses Democrat
Karen Hartley-Nagle
for Congress
September 26, 2025 · Wilmington, DE · At their September 20th nominating convention, the members of the Delaware AFL-CIO endorsed Democratic Congressional candidate Karen Hartley-Nagle in her bid to unseat 16 year incumbent Congressman Mike Castle (R). Hartley-Nagle won a three way race in the Democratic primary on September 9th with 55% of the vote in a record turnout for a Democratic Party primary election.
"The members of the AFL-CIO feel, with the burdens of our economy about to be placed on the shoulders of working people, that it is important to have a Congresswoman from Delaware who truly understands the plight of workers, families, women, children and the whole range of people who are going to do without because Mike Castle has placed all his faith in Wall Street and not the people who build and maintain America. Our vote to endorse Karen was unanimous and our commitment to her on Election Day will be 100%," said Sam Lathem, President Delaware AFL-CIO.
"I am gratified that the Delaware State AFL-CIO has decided to support my candidacy," said Karen Hartley-Nagle. "It underscores that my campaign motto, ‘Rethink Leadership. Restore Integrity. Renew Hope', resonates on Main Street America. As we move into what will be the biggest financial crisis in the history of our nation, I look forward to working in Congress for an agenda focused the needs of those Americans who stand to lose the most in our economic downturn.
The Delaware AFL-CIO represents workers in unions throughout Delaware.
Karen Hartley-Nagle
Democratic Candidate for Congress
(302) 465-1365
Samuel E. Lathem
Delaware State AFL-CIO
(302) 283-1330