Karen Hartley-Nagle Announces Grand Opening
of New Campaign Office, Victory House on the Wilmington Riverfront
September 26, 2025 · Wilmington, DE · On Thursday evening the Hartley-Nagle for Congress Campaign kicked off the Grand Opening of its campaign office located on the Wilmington Riverfront, 964 Justison Street. The opening was a huge success with union leaders and members, community leaders, supporters, friends and candidates gathered to listen to Karen Hartley-Nagle give a passionate speech while guests enjoyed great food and music. Change is coming in 2025…
Text of Karen's Statement at the Grand Opening:
Welcome to the public opening of Victory House! This place is where we act on our heart's commitment to the well-being of our families and neighbors in Delaware, to a safe and prosperous America, and to the principles which made us the First State.
I run as a Democrat. If elected, I will serve all Delawareans at this critical moment for our state and country. For we are all sure of Delaware's distinguished past, of Caesar Rodney's brave ride to cast the deciding vote for independence 232 years ago, of ratifying the Great Constitution before all others did. It is our future which is unsure.
Delawareans in all parts of our state are saying that they are unsure that they want to continue being represented by a congressman, Mike Castle, who has voted with George Bush 93% of the time.
Delawareans are not sure why they should stay with a congressman who doesn't support a comprehensive health care plan for all Americans.
Delawareans are unsure they should reelect Mike Castle since he is wedded to a policy of endlessly prolonging our time in Iraq.
Delawareans are unsure that a congressman who has supported economic policies which have turned Federal budget surpluses into unprecedented deficits and cheapened the value of the dollar should be sent back to Washington for more of the same.
And Delawareans are astonished that after nearly eight years of supporting the Bush Administration, six of which saw Castle and the Republicans with majority control of both houses of Congress, Castle and the Republicans are leaving us more dependent on energy from foreign countries than ever before.
It's too late to reassure us that Mike Castle is going to change from a smiling foot-dragger to a tiger in the House. So now I must make the citizens of Delaware sure that the change they want is to be found through me and my representing our state in the House with the same priorities and tenacity of Joe Biden and Tom Carper in the Senate.
I know that if we immediately launch an energy "Manhattan Project" which is prepared to pursue all safe sources of energy, new and old, and get serious about conservation that in ten years time we can stop being dependent on oil which comes from unreliable foreign sources.
I'm sure that we can begin a safe, phased withdrawal from Iraq, move toward diplomacy in the Middle East, and stop the massive hemorrhaging of lives and dollars which comes from patrolling other people's streets.
I am sure that investing in America and good education, training and jobs for working men and women right here in Delaware can save the standard of living for us all and once again stabilize our nation's finances.
And as a mother of four, I am absolutely sure that no Delaware parent wants any child of theirs to face a future where caring for their health is at risk or based on the luck of where they happen to work at the moment. In Congress, my first task will be to join with a committed majority of members who will finally push through a comprehensive plan for all Americans that cares more for the health of the needy than the wealth of the greedy.
This is a time of profound national change. We all know it, we all feel it, some of us may even fear it. But change is coming whether we wish it or not. The time for second-best representation from third-best representatives is past. The Delaware dawning for our daughters and sons will reflect this change which we must now embrace. In spite of our own inadequacies or shortcomings, this change will sweep many of us into office just as it sweeps the old out. With your help, I mean to be a part of that change and I mean to lead it.
Karen Hartley-Nagle
Democratic Candidate for Congress
(302) 465-1365